As a broad ability, non-selective school all applications are welcomed. Our school admissions process is simple and we consider each application on a student’s individual merits. We pride ourselves on providing small class sizes, therefore places at Llandovery College are limited and we encourage families to register early in the admissions process.

We welcome applications throughout the year and our experienced and friendly Admissions Team are on hand to guide you through the process.

Please fill out the form opposite. Once received by our Admissions Team we will contact you.

Prep School Admissions
Students interested in a place in the Prep School are welcome to visit the school at either an Open Morning or have an individual tour. Students and their parents / guardians also meet with the Warden (Headmaster). Taster Days are available.
Senior School Admissions
Entry into the Senior School is generally at Years 7 and 9; if places are available, we accept entry into other Year Groups. Students interested in a place in the Senior School are welcome to visit the school at either an Open Morning or have an individual tour. Students and their parents / guardians also meet with the Warden (Headmaster). Taster Days are available.
Sixth Form Admissions
Students interested in a place in the Sixth Form are welcome to visit the school at either an Open Morning or have an individual tour. Students and their parents / guardians also meet with the Warden (Headmaster). Taster Days are available. The offer of a place is conditional on the achievement of the appropriate grades at GCSE.
International Admissions
International students interested in a place at Llandovery College sit entrance exams in English, Maths and Non Verbal Reasoning. Students and their parents / guardians meet with the Warden (Headmaster) via Zoom.
We offer Scholarships to students entering Years 7, 9 and 12 who are talented in Academics, Sport, Music, Drama or Art. Applicants complete the relevant documents and are invited to be assessed during the school year. Scholarships are awarded up to 25% off the fees with the higher level award usually offered to Sixth Form applicants.