
Academic aspiration is a priority at Llandovery College. Excellent and wholly committed teachers are key to our academic success. Passionate, knowledgeable and sympathetic teachers ensure that the roots for learning take a firm hold and that the right habits and attitudes prevail.

Expectations for attainment are high, fostering enquiring minds that relish the challenge of discovery. Your child will be immersed in an active and stimulating environment and will benefit from a high-quality range of learning opportunities within a caring and supportive ethos.

Years 7 - 8

At Llandovery College we offer an exciting Middle School Programme for Years 7 and 8. We are ambitious for our pupils, as unique individuals, and we want to shape them into well-rounded learners fully equipped with the flexibility, resilience and resourcefulness to embrace whatever lies ahead in the rapidly changing global market place they will grow into. It is our aim that our curriculum should equip our children to become:

  • Inquirers—their natural curiosity should be nurtured and they should actively enjoy learning;
  • Thinkers—they have the chance to exercise initiative in applying thinking skills, critically and creatively, to solve complex problems;
  • Communicators—they should be able to receive and express ideas and information (ideally confidently in more than one language);
  • Risk-takers—they should be able to approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and have the confidence to explore new ideas;
  • Knowledgeable—they should have the opportunity to explore themes that have global significance within a Welsh context and to acquire a critical mass of knowledge;
  • Principled—they should develop a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning, integrity, honesty and a sense of justice;
  • Caring—they should be encouraged to show sensitivity towards the needs and feelings of others and have a sense of personal commitment to helping others;
  • Open-minded—we would like them to respect the values of other individuals and cultures and seek to consider a range of points of view;
  • Well-balanced—enabling children to understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well-being;
  • Reflective—encouraging children to give thoughtful consideration to their own learning by constructively analysing their own personal strengths and weaknesses.

Our Year 7 and 8 Middle Years Programme is a dynamic bridge between Primary School and GCSE studies. We are able to offer the nurturing pastoral care, holistic education and small classes that children are used to in their primary setting, combined with high quality subject specialist approaches.

Our Middle School curriculum is underpinned by two ideas: international mindedness and brain-friendly learning and teaching. Our offering is a vibrant 21st Century skills-based curriculum, designed to foster a love of learning and to meet the needs of our broad range of learners.

Years 9 - 11

At Llandovery College we offer many opportunities within the curriculum to expand knowledge and understanding and we start our teaching GCSE Level subjects in Year 9. Students learn more within their core subjects and further develop their enjoyment of learning about their chosen GCSE subjects.

Students learn good routines and habits to ensure they make the most of their learning opportunities and use their time well.

Academic aspiration is a priority at Llandovery College. Excellent and wholly committed teachers are key to our academic success. Passionate, knowledgeable and sympathetic teachers ensure that the roots for learning take a firm hold and that the right habits and attitudes prevail.

Expectations for attainment are high and we foster enquiring minds that relish the challenge of discovery. Students are immersed in an active and stimulating environment and benefit from a high-quality range of learning opportunities within a caring and supportive ethos. Students have the opportunity to explore their subjects in more depth and knowledge around a student’s chosen subject is consolidated during these focused GCSE years.

Subjects offered at GCSE

  • Applied Science
  • Art & Design
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Academic
  • Digital Technology
  • Design & Technology
  • Drama
  • English
  • French
  • Academic
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Academic
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Welsh First & Second Language
  • Bespoke Academies for Years 9 - 11


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