At Llandovery College we see the enormous benefits of a caring and supportive House system and every pupil, whether they are day or boarding, belongs to a House. To foster the strong community and family feel of the school we have a vertical House system where Senior School pupils are grouped together from Year 9 through to Year 13, rather than solely in Year groups.This more traditional House system provides greater opportunities for inter-House competitions, leadership and mentoring as well as giving pupils the chance to stay in one House throughout their time at College. The House is a place where exceptional care is provided, young people can grow in confidence and a great deal of fun can be had.
The House system promotes a strong sense of belonging and loyalty, giving all pupils a point of reference and a focus for deep bonds of friendship. Each House has a team of tutors to manage and support pupils on a daily basis, led by the Housemaster or Housemistress who has lead oversight of the academic and pastoral progress of all the pupils in his or her care.
It is within the Houses that the vitality and vibrancy of the life of the College is found. House competitions develop loyalty and a sharper edge, and pupils compete in an eclectic range of competitions and events giving all pupils an opportunity to ‘have a go’ at activities and sports that would normally be outside their comfort zone.