We are developing an expansive, innovative, irresistible curriculum, designed to promote thinking, independent learning and to address the individual learning style of every pupil. Solid academic foundations, enhanced by Subject Specialist teaching in Languages, Computing and Sport, Forest School and exceptional pastoral care, ensure that Llandovery College Prep School is a place that is dynamic, engaging and supportive, appropriate for nurturing the talents and potential of every child.
The International Primary Curriculum is a topic-based, cross-curricular approach, where subjects are not divided into boxes and skills taught out of context, but learning follows a narrative structure, enhanced by stories, visits, visitors, practical exploration and directed discovery. Through a more creative approach to the curriculum, more mundane but all important tasks can be made relevant.
Children can be well grounded in basic skills and knowledge, but through a curriculum that remains fresh and innovative, where our youngest children are engaged and engrossed in their own learning. Through this approach, we can engage children of all abilities and stretch learning and ideas as far as the imagination will allow. We can create in our children an ambitious disposition for learning that will last a lifetime
IntroductionExperience an exciting adventure...ACADEMICEarly Years (3 - 5 Years)Early experiences in school are key to establishing and embedding a love of learning and a respect for good conduct.
In Pre-Prep a formal approach to learning is introduced within a framework of play and exploration. The building blocks of Literacy and Numeracy are secured in these early years and our pupils are encouraged to be positive about every aspect of their learning and involvement. The principles of Harmony and sustainability form an integral theme in our learning and our pupils’ interaction with Nature reinforces and expands knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom.
Outstanding early years teaching at Llandovery Prep provides a secure foundation for intellectual and social growth and the essential building blocks for a happy and successful journey through the school.ACADEMICMiddle School (Yrs 3 - 6)enabling pupils to adapt effectivelyWith a positive attitude to learning secured in the early years, Middle Prep develops curiosity and enthusiasms and seeks to begin pushing the boundaries of knowledge and self-assurance.
Whether it is experiencing what life was like for an Iron Age Celt; carrying out experiments in the science laboratory; getting lost in the joys of reading; creating a piece of ephemeral art with the picturesque Towy Valley as inspiration; or playing the harp in a music concert, a new confidence is forged in these important years.
Conventional learning is coupled with innovation and a growth mindset whereby pupils are encouraged to embrace challenge and risk as important aspects of successful development. Subject specific teaching provides increased focus and specialist tuition in sport, music, science, languages and ICT begins to nurture real expertise.
Opportunities for public speaking and debating, welcoming visitors, creative performance and representing the school on the games field develop a modest and grounded confidence that typically emerges throughout the Middle Prep years, enabling pupils to adapt effectively to a variety of increasingly challenging situations and occasions.ACADEMICForest Schoollearning how nature works...Forest School
The philosophy of Forest School is to encourage and inspire individuals through positive outdoor experiences in the natural environment and we are fortunate to have a fully established on-site dedicated Forest School woodland area. Our pupils benefit from their sessions where we safely explore nature and the outdoors.
Whilst enjoying their time in the woods, learning how nature works and where animals live our pupils develop teamwork, social and interpersonal skills and work together to plan activities. They construct dens, make animal hotels, build swings, pick fruit for cooking, use tools and cook over a camp fire. Forest School is an ideal opportunity to embed the Principles of Harmony which are the foundations of our curriculum and to also foster an appreciation and understanding of our natural world.ACADEMIC